Is All Olive Oil You See On Supermarket Shelves Created Equal? – Part 2

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By Brooke Crowley

Continued from part 1 of this article…..

seniors2Another really great benefit to extra virgin oil is that it contains a massive amount of polyphenols which are some of the best types of antioxidants that you can put in your body.

Things To Keep in Mind When Shopping For Olive Oil

You need to always remember that just because an olive oil is labeled as being extra virgin it doesn’t at all mean that it’s good quality!

You need to appreciate that buying an olive oil that has been made locally will be far superior to buying something that was made somewhere like Greece or Italy.

Extra virgin oil is extremely fragile and so you can be sure that something that’s being bought in from abroad will result in you getting something that tastes very bland.

However the great news these days is that you can be sure that your local grocery store stocks at least one brand of locally sourced extra virgin oil. And yes you might end up paying more for it, but it’ll be more than worth it once you have a little taste.

When you’re out there picking out an oil to buy, you should treat it like you would when you’re buying a new wine and really try to engage all your senses.

The first step is to actually smell the oil and when doing so you should find it smells very clean and fresh, with hints of olives, grass and apples.

Avoid relying on the look of the oil because this can be very easily manipulated these days. Instead you should focus as much as you possibly can on engaging the most important sense of all and that’s taste!

girlhatTo get a taste of an oil that you’re interested in, you should take half a teaspoon into your mouth and swirl it around your mouth… much like you would a fine wine.

The first taste you should get in your mouth is that of olives but the best oils out there will also give you a hint of grass, fennel and even apples! If you get a metallic like taste then it’s very likely the oil you have is rancid.

If the oil you’re tasting is light, delicious and moves lightly through your mouth then it’s very likely that you got your hands on some truly amazing stuff.

The only way you’re ever going to find the best oil is by experimenting. You have to go through the process of trial and error until you come across the oil that you absolutely love! And while the journey may be a long one, it will be more than worth it once you find that one oil you want to use every single day.

Once you find the best oil you need to make sure that you’re using it in the right way.

It really doesn’t matter how good the olive oil is in terms of quality… you need to remember to never, ever use it to sauté something because the heat will totally ruin the delicate flavors.

Rather you should use the oil as a high quality finisher on top of your meal. Cook your meals with butter and then finish it off with extra virgin oil.

This way you’ll not only enjoy the great taste but you’ll get all the nutritional benefits that are associated with olive oils… and not a single drop will be wasted 🙂

So there you have it, I really hope that this short article has given you a deeper appreciation for olive oil and what you should look out for when you’re out and about looking for for your own quality bottle!

– Guest Article Written by Brooke Crowley of Join her over at her blog where she tries to help people all over the globe get into incredible shape and health, safely and quickly.