Inner Voice – Isn’t It Time You listened?

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By Diane Lang

girlhatSince I can remember I have heard my inner voice. A voice that I can’t shut off but in all honesty I wouldn’t want to. As I got older and started my academic career, I realized some people heard an inner voice but not everyone. It made me both doubtful and fearful of my inner voice. If it’s not the norm for everyone then what was I really hearing? It took me many years to come to terms with my inner voice, to accept it and fully embrace it. My inner voice is a voice of reason, hope and possibilities. I now realize it’s a gift that I always had but spent so many years ignoring it. I’m taking the challenge to start listening to my voice. Challenge yourself and join me. Take a few minutes each day to quiet your mind and just listen. You will be surprised what you hear? The question is: will you follow your voice or doubt it?

Inner Voice

* We all have an inner voice but you choose whether to hear or listen. My voice offers me so much.

* An inner voice that gives me answers that I couldn’t figure out intellectually

* A inner voice that leads me to question everything and leads me to the right answers if I listen and follow.

* A voice that offers companionships- a voice that allows me to never feel alone. I always feel so close to god/higher power at all times. I have a clear connection to something much bigger then me.

* A voice that offers hope, inspiration, love, kindness and self-compassion – all the positive emotions we need to feel happy and live longer. These emotions flow straight thru me from my voice.

* An inner voice that gives me comfort when I’m in fear – a voice that never left through my grief of loss, my major illnesses and broken heart, I always felt comforted.

* An inner voice that lets me know death is only physical – I hear my soul so I know that when our body dies our soul continues.

* An inner voice that shows me all negative is temporary and reminds me of this through every negative crisis, situation or event

* An inner voice that reminds me of all the lessons I cant see during pain and suffering.

* An inner voice that reminds me to give a compliment, hug, a listening ear or smile.

* An inner voice that reminds me of all I have and should be grateful for.

* An inner voice that keeps poking at me when I’m not being true to myself.

What does your inner voice say?

Diane Lang, MA, Counselor Educator