Healthy Tip # 202

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Another healthy tip courtesy of Dr. Perry Chinn

applevectorsmallThe tremendous amount of research as to the importance to the simple molecule nitric oxide (not too long ago thought of as a useless by-product of metabolism and combustion, even a toxic pollutant) has gotten even more relevant with the understanding of the secondary pathway in the mouth for normal production of the heart protective substance. We get many of the nutritional precursors in our diet from green leafy vegetables in the form of nitrates. Interestingly, we as humans have not evolved to effectively metabolize these nitrates and must rely on the normal population of bacteria in our mouth to do this for us. A truly life saving symbiosis that can be devastated by our war on “germs”. By over-utilizing antiseptic rinses, tooth paste and other tools of bacterial warfare, we can effectively destroy one of the most important primary sources of nitric oxide, thereby laying us open to cardiovascular disorders including hypertension, atherosclerosis,
diabetic vascular disorder and much more.

You CAN keep your breath fresh AND keep your heart healthy..

Perry Chinn, D.C.