Healthy Tip # 158

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Another healthy tip courtesy of Tara DelloIacono Thies

healthdiet1. Maintain your “Power Curve”: If you’re in sync with your power curve, you’ll feel nutritionally “on” and energized. Maintain this curve by eating regularly and paying attention to your body’s internal cues, even during the busy new year.

2. Moderation, not deprivation: It’s okay to say “yes” to little treats even if you’re embarking on a mission to eat healthier – just let your “inner dietitian” tell you not overindulge.

3. Find an Accountability Partner: The Power of Positive Snacking study found that over the next decade, women will choose an “accountability partner” to help them stick to their health and fitness goals. Keep yourself on track in 2013 by choosing a family member or friend to help you maintain healthy eating patterns. Let this person become your confidant and support.

Tara DelloIacono Thies