Bach Flowers And You: The Natural Way To Heal – Part 2

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By Kac Young Ph.D, DCH, N.D.

Continued from part 1 of this article…..

kacflowerHis first set of floral remedies were called the Twelve Healers. With the success he garnered in healing people from this first group, he expanded his research and created the 38 remedies and the bonus 39th, Rescue Remedy. Dr. Bach was a selfless man, in love with the idea of curing all illness through non-invasive techniques which brought out the highest of human qualities in each person. His lab was a place where “the lights never went out.”

Each flower used in the remedies possesses a specific vibration, that when transferred to water, can be used to shift a blocked mental state into one with positive qualities. Each essence fosters the top qualities of human existence. These positive vibrations help us overcome the harmful, limiting pulsations caused by a negative mental picture. In other words, thoughts create our reality and we can control our thoughts using the remedies as helpers and guides.

Often we are unaware of the mental state that is causing illness or imbalance. It’s invisible and imperceptible in many cases. In the back of my book I created an index of mental states and emotional response that will help you identify what remedy you need to alleviate the physical condition you wish to improve. All you have to do is follow your emotions, whatever they are, and they will lead you to the cause of your discomfort. By “diagnosing” the cause, you can apply the remedy and begin healing.

Our bodies are energetic centers of positive and negative charges. When the ions, hormones and systems of our physical selves are in harmony with each other, we experience health. When our parts are out of balance, we experience distress.

As babies our energy fields are neutral. As we progress in life, we pick up the mental and emotional fields that will govern how we think, feel and react in life. Just like baby bodies, energy starts out neutral. It either flows freely, like water through a garden hose, or it becomes kinked and restricted. The good news is that we have our hand on the spigot at all times. We control whether the current flows freely and nourishes our lives, or whether it is stopped-up and we become parched and dehydrated. We can use Bach’s Remedies to assist us balance our states and so we become the maestros of our music.

If you’ve ever wondered which remedy to take for what issue, you can either study for months to learn about each remedy, or you can use my new book. The Quick Guide to Bach Flower Remedies, as a shortcut to the indication, analysis, understanding and application of the right remedy for your condition. I wrote it from years of personal experience with Bach Flower Remedies and to make it easy for people to tap into the extraordinary healing qualities of the remedies for themselves and their families. I now believe that healing at this essential vibrational level is more permanent than any other type.

Using the remedies will assist you in achieving your mental, physical and spiritual goals.

– Kac Young , a former television director and producer, has earned a Ph.D. in Natural Health and is a Doctor of both Clinical Hypnotherapy and Naturopathy. She is the author of 10 books. Visit: for more info.